Monday, September 24, 2012

Inkerbella Zombiepad

So super neato....

Inkerbella Zombiepad

An awesome mousepad with Inkerbellas face.


I was searching around online today and stumbled across this!!
As you know, I'm part of the cast of 8.13!  I play a Zom813..hehe!! I love it!

You know you wanna put your mouse all over my Zom813-fied face!!

Hehe...order yours today!!

Thanks bunches for your support....

Oh and just a little reminder of what I'm talking about.....


Or click here to WATCH

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Comikaze Expo 2012

Super excited to be attending and representing Ghoul Girls at
Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo in Los Angeles, CA.

I will be at the Ghoul Girls booth #723 on Sunday, September 16th!!
Make sure you stop by and say hi!! I'd love to meet you!

CLICK here for more info on the Expo


See you soon!!!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Well what a day!! Comikaze was so much fun and it was great meeting  friends and make new ones.  :)
I was there on Sunday and was dressed up like Miss. Edward Scissorhands!! hehe!!
Here are a few pictures from my day!


Los Angeles Convention Center
almost at Comikaze!!

I got my pass...let's do this!! ;)

Working the Ghoul Girls Booth at Comikaze 2012

Top Left: Fellow Ghoul Girls Nikki, Candace, and Inkerbella 
Top Right: Fellow Ghoul Girls Inkerbella and Traci 
Bottom: Ghoul Girls with some friends


Gerardi Girl Interview

It's always fun to google your name and see what pops up!!
Well today I found a really old interview I did for Mark Gerardi who happens to be a very super talented artist!!

Back in 2009 I was in his pinup contest and WON!!
I was featured in his calendar for 2010 called "PinUps HotRods"

Once again, I'd like to thank Mark for the lovely artwork and for sharing his talents with me! Also a huge thanks to everyone who voted for me way back then!! :) guys rock!!


Interview with Inkerbella
In April of '09 I held the first Gerardi Girl Pinup Contest on MySpace. The premise was I've got this illustration of a '64 Nova done. Now I need a model to put in front of it.


"PinUps HotRods" 2010 Calendar by Mark Gerardi

Here with my copy of the calendar 

VoltCase Magazine~UK Interview 2008/Alternative Model of the Year

Another oldie interview!!
This one was from way way back in 2008!! Back when I was a blonde!! Crazy, I know!! Time if flyin'!

The interview was with VoltCase Magazine in the UK!


What better way to kick off 2008 than with the rockabilly femme fatale Inkerbella, our first Voltgirl feature of the New Year!

Also, I was super surprised and honored that I was selected to be in the the running for one of the titles for the annual Voltcase Awards 2009!

To my surprise, I was voted by the people in the USA, the UK and all around the world, and won the title of "Alternative Model of the Year 2009"  WOWZER!!

Once again, even though it was long ago now...I'd like to thank my supporters!! You guys amaze me!! I appreciate everyone who has followed me for so many years on my adventures!!! 



From the punkiest of the punk bands to the sexiest of the Voltgirl's, from the greatest person on the planet to the lowliest of the low, Voltcase proudly presents the winners of the 2009 Voltcase Awards!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who voted - the 2009 awards continued our trend of having more and more votes year on year, and this year really was a bumper year, so once again these winners really have been chosen by YOU - in your thousands!

Voltgirl Awards:
Alternative Model of the Year
1st Place: Inkerbella

Ghoul-Girls Interview 2009

Back in 2009 I did an interview for the site that I'm featured on called
Take a peek at my interview and the Ghoul Girls Website!! ;)
Thanks guys!

Feature: Inkerbella

I sat down with, our model, Inkerbella recently and we talked about all sorts of things in her life and modeling.
 Take a look!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

National Examiner Interview 2010

My interview with the National Examiner!
This one was from back in 2010.....yes, can you tell I'm on a kick to get all the interviews in one place here on my Blog!!



Interview with a Pinup: Inkerbella

Vibrant, sociable, and genuine are just a few words to describe Alternative PinupInkerbella. Beyond her colorful nature she has a knack for professionalism and a heart of gold. Once you see her photos you will join thousands as her fan. With eyes like the most intense fireworks you’ve ever seen, and smile so inviting it is easy to see how she’s gained so many!